
Since the 1960s, aspects of the hippie counterculture have been assimilated by the mainstream:

  • Interracial dating and marriage have become common and generally accepted. Multiracial children of such unions, like Tiger Woods and Keanu Reeves, enjoy a certain cachet.
  • Public political demonstrations are considered legitimate expressions of free speech.
  • Unmarried couples of all ages feel free to travel and live together without societal disapproval.
  • Frankness regarding sexual matters has become the norm—even conservative talk radio hosts, like Dr. Laura, feel free to exclaim "Orgasms are cool!"
  • In urban centers especially, and in corporate America, the rights of homosexual, bisexual and transexual people have expanded.
  • Religious and cultural diversity has gained greater acceptance. Eastern religions and spiritual concepts, karma and reincarnation in particular, have reached a wider audience.
  • A wide range of personal appearance options and clothing styles have become acceptable, all of which were uncommon before the hippie era.
  • Co-operative business enterprises and creative community living arrangements are widely accepted.
  • Interest in natural food, herbal remedies and vitamins is widespread, and the little hippie "health food stores" of the 60s and 70s are now large-scale, profitable businesses.